United Airlines App

United Airlines Native App for iOS and Android

Redesign + New Functionality



United Airlines


UX, UI, User Testing


United Airlines is a major American airline that operates a large domestic and international route. My team and I were responsible for the redesign of the consumer facing native mobile apps in iOS and Android. Our goal was to improve the customer experience from the time of check-in to the time of baggage claim by helping them easily access important information through the app as well as provide a visual redesign from 1st generation to 2nd generation branding.

Research + Discovery

With the range of customers at United Airlines, we took into consideration the needs and tech-savviness of all personas ranging from the infrequent flyer who travels once a year at most, to the frequent flyer who travels for work every week.


With the UX team in Chicago and the development team in Houston, we flew to Houston for 2-day sprint planning sessions. We worked in Agile with 2 week sprints. We worked collaboratively to determine what was possible within the technology and time that was available for us. We devised an MVP plan and a longterm plan additional functionality over time.

Implementation and Testing

At important events during the journey, the user is shown relevant information on the Home Screen with Quick-Access buttons that change according to the event.

We designed for all possible scenarios.

All WCAG Accessibility Requirements were taken into consideration and accounted for.

We observed real volunteer customers at the airport from the time of arrival to boarding and watched how they utilized their phone and app throughout the journey.



